Tuesday, March 8, 2011

An automatic McAfee antivirus software update took place, now I am unable to connect to my home wirelss router?|home router

An automatic McAfee antivirus software update took place, now I am unable to connect to my home wirelss router?|home router

With update was performed, I try to connect to my home wireless network and receive a message that my computer security settings do not matych that of the network. How do I exchange the security settings in McAfee to access my home wireless network?

Answer by G
The info is here, http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLL_enUS337US337&q=How+do+I+exchange+the+security+settings+in+McAfee+to+access+my+home+wireless+network%3f

You will have to download it to read it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the observations!

I have a linksys-g 54 mbps wireless router in my home. how do I lock it so no one else can access it?

Answer by gorja tec
you can get complex instructions from here (just place in router make and develop#)


How do I secure a wireless network (wireless router)?

Answer by theparkers0001
I really dont reckon it comes with a lock and key!
If you are talking in this area the Encryption, then read the manuals!
For God’s sake read the manuals.
The reason I said read the manuals is since each router comes with its own set up module. Follow the instructions of how to set up encryptions on your wireless router.
Go to this webpage and click on the 3rd option


If that doesn’t work, then try the linksys website!

Answer by pngarrett
Does any really read the instructions any longer? Just question questions on Yahoo and let a name else look it up.

Answer by a13M20S8
Consider in addendum to by Encryption, by the MAC filter as well.

By the MAC filters will preclude anyone who MAY be able to break your encryption (stupid WEP,) from quick access to your network.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the observations!

A tiny device from hell – 119/365
home router

Image by tranchis
Not many things are of poorer quality than being dreadfully busy, take work home and find out that the router doesn’t work.

That’s what happened on Wednesday: the Livebox router stopped working properly and everybody at home was hysterical.

Oh well, that forced us to just relax a bit and do other stuff for a even as.

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